Rodenburg Fresh Food B.V.

Metaalhof 27 - 3067 GM Rotterdam
010 - 522 0855
Rodenburg Fresh Food B.V.
Rodenburg Fresh Food B.V.

Rodenburg Fresh Food BV is an independent trading company specialized in import and export of Fresh Food and non-Food products. We have over 20 years of experience in exporting potatoes, onions, eggs and other products worldwide with a focus on West Africa.

Throughout the years we have built a large network of local farmers who can deliver a high quality potatoes, onions and eggs. By these established relationships we are always able to select the best products for competitive pricing. With our experience and connections we can also deliver other food and non-food products.

Partnering with our suppliers and local transport companies we ensure short lead times. For transport outside the Netherlands we only work with first class shipping companies.